Monday, November 12, 2007

almost a week!

it has been an uber busy time for me!

last week consisted of:
work, class, creating a study guide AND test on ancient Egypt, babysitting Meghan (overnight) on Thursday, and a whirl-wind trip to AMERICAN GIRL PLACE in Chicago on Friday with Meghan!!!!! we took the 4:35 AM train to Chicago, and got back to St. Louis at about 10:40 PM! i have to get my photos uploaded, but don't worry! there will be some posted (I took over 125!)!!!

this week (i know, it is only monday) has been:
laundry, homework, Power Hour, work, registering for spring '08, changing sheets, homework, and now i am ready for dinner and then a QUICK youthgroup meeting! should be an interesting night!!

1 comment:

Picture This said...

That sounds like a cool trip Becky! I am sure Meghan loved it. I was in Chicago last weekend myself....too bad we couldn't have met up. MAybe next time.

Have a great week
