Monday, January 12, 2009

musings on monday

just some listings of things going on right now -- musings on monday!

work is tiring -- i was able t0 spend 4 class periods in FACS....3 about the parts of the sewing machine, 1 about cooking utensils...

class starts wednesday night...i need to go on and post for my on-line class...

almost finished with The Time Traveler's Wife...i like it, but it is an odd takes some getting used to, but it is a good book...

saw 2 movies in the theater on saturday, and one at home! saw "Bride Wars" -- it was GREAT! ignore the critics, they don't know what they are talking is funny and nice and a good movie...i guess the critics don't like it because people end up happy in it, there is no death, or blood or gore, and only a couple "bad" words....also saw "High School Musical 3" (again) -- love it!! watched "Jumper" on HBO -- pretty good flick! it went way quicker than i thought it would...

taking this coming friday off -- going to the dentist & a class at archivers...

we're deciding on a switch to AT&T U-Verse -- any opinions??

not much else happening....toodles!

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