i am done with Christmas shopping...and wrapping...and decorating...and mailing packages...i just need to finish my cards then i will be totally done!!! i have some of the envelopes addressed, the letters printed, and everything pulled together, i just need to do it!!!!
work has been going well, the girl i am with an adorable sweetheart, now to work on the stubbornness!!! gr! the other kids are great that i get the chance to work with (both the special needs kids and the typically developing kids)...my co-workers are great as well!! there is one teacher (that i do not work with) who is not very good (she spends more time on the phone than with her students), and i don't like her very much, but i don't have to put up with her, so it's all good!!
my birthday was AWESOME! my brother, dad & i went to dinner on the 6th -- i wanted Red Lobster but their power went out about 5 minutes before we showed up! so we ended up at Kreiger's, but we will go to Red Lobster at some point soon...my dad got me the newest American Girl doll (Emily) and her accessories, so my collection of the historical dolls is complete (as of now, but that might change in the next year or so)...nothing from my brother (yet), who knows what i will end up with from him!! probably a gift card to target or some other store like that, which is fine with me!! and on the 7th my Godparents took me & my dad to dinner at a great local place called Amici's -- it is in kirkwood and the food was really good! they sent me a dozen pink roses, and got me a couple presents -- a new Precious Moments piece, a pretty wrap from Lane Bryant, and a gift card for Lane Bryant -- so i can go get whatever i want!! i also got some cards and other goodies from friends around the country :) i also got a "CAR COSTUME" with antlers & a red nose!! thanks MB!
i am looking forward to "winter" break -- december 22 i am off!! i go back january 2 or 3, not sure which! i will be cleaning a lot that week while i am home, plus scrapping as much as possible! we have a room in our basement that has a lot of books and junk in it -- my dad says we can clean it out so i can use it as a scrapbook room!! woohoo!! it has tons of shelves in it (which is what i want), but we have to clear it out first -- i guess the st. louis area book fair will be getting a call for a pick up again soon (we already donated about 19 boxes of books to them already this year!) -- books, luggage, papers, holiday stuff, ceramics my mom did...SO MUCH JUNK! maybe i can find some local friends who are willing & able to help?? or people with strong teenage sons who are willing to help move the crap upstairs?? i think there is even a couch in that room to get rid of!!
to close, i will share some pictures of meghan from thanksgiving weekend when we made brownies

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