Monday, April 30, 2007


i have a head hurts, my throat hurts, my sinuses are killing me.....

enough said

ALSO, i completed my challenge to post everyday this month! woohoo

Sunday, April 29, 2007


the cardinals have lost a pitcher :( josh hancock was in a fatal car accident last night...he had pitcher 3 innings in the game yesterday...a reliever, a good player, and a good man...

Thursday, April 26, 2007

is there...

is there anyway to post a power point presentation here on blogspot? i would be willing to share some of the ones i have done for class if i could, lol, because i know everyone wants to know more about young adult lit!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

tag! you're it!!

Tagged by my pal Mary Jo!!
Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves.

1) i only eat hamburgers that my dad makes at home -- i have never tried a burger at red robin

2) taco bell is my favorite "dinner" place

3) i love the squishy pillows you can buy now...and own 4!

4) my cell phone is my life line

5) i like to get the mail as soon as it comes :)

6) i once lost 13 pounds in 3 weeks -- i attribute it to healthier foods and walking 6+ miles a day while in ukraine!

7) i love when school supplies are on sale! i buy new crayons, glue sticks & colored pencils every fall!!

which 7 am i tagging...hmmm...lisa (for myspace), missy j, mark, beth, julia and whoever else would like to do this!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

ahhhhhh home!

left for work at 7:15 am, got home about 9:25 and class...a "typical" tuesday

then i had the fun of talking to my pal lisa (who i would link here IF she had a blog!) for like an HOUR while we both looked up people on my space!! we are dorks like that, lol


Monday, April 23, 2007


eek! homework! next tuesday i have 2 biggies due!

first, i am in charge of 2 parts of a lit circle -- i need to "illustrate" the story and find some vocabulary to define, etc...the book is Dragonwings by Laurence Yep -- i need to start reading it tonight!!

second, i have to present on a unit type thing that i pull together -- i am not even sure if i am doing it correctly! i have started to pull some together so i can ask the prof tomorrow night......

that is it...class is fun, homework is fine...


Sunday, April 22, 2007


that's a winner!!
cardinals just won in 10 innings --12 to 9 in chicago against the cubbies! WOOHOO!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

what a busy day!

i slept in until almost 11 -- i must have needed it!

since then i have finished 3 loads of laundry, and they are even all upstairs, put away clothes (last weeks laundry), cleaned out a closet, read the paper, been to walmart for potting soil, and about a half hour i go back to pick up meghan & her buddy from the Y and continue babysitting...not quite sure sure when i will be DONE babysitting, lol

other than that, i have been relaxing & hangin'...

have a great saturday night! i'll be back tomorrow :)

Friday, April 20, 2007


just made it!

i also just watched a bridge explode as a part of new highway construction -- pretty cool!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

2 biggies today

so i have had 2 big things happen to me today!

first, before work i called and will soon be the OWNER not leaser of my sweet car! woohoo!! lower payments, all that good stuff...i should have my paper work in 7-10 days!

second, i have been offered "re-employment" by special for the 2007-2008 school year! so i will be gainfully employed come august (now to figure out where i might be then!!)


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

check out the watering hole!

the watering hole at -- just click on the Nkorho Stream link -- it has been picky lately, but you can see some awesome stuff -- like an african sunrise, or a hippo in the water...

Friday, April 13, 2007

ocho random thoughts...

1) CKC volunteering was today for me -- not totally organized with how they work the volunteers, but it was fun to TA and i got some fun goodies for free

2) CKC tomorrow! -- i am helping at For Keeps Sake's booth and shopping and doing make-n-takes and going to a dinner with some scrappy pals! woohoo!

3) rusty pickle -- they now have T-SHIRTS that are UBER COOL, no matter what lance says! 2 high quality t-shirts for $25! that is cheap!

4) skinny cows -- no/low fat ice cream sandwiches -- very very yummy!

5) spring break=no pay -- this SUCKS! i don't like a half-sized paycheck! :( my bills don't like it either!!

6) dave pelzer -- i have requested the 2nd & 3rd books that come after "A Child Called 'It'" from the library -- i am 10th on the list for one and 14th on the list for the other!!

7) usps priority boxes that fit 12x12 scrapbook pages!! -- go to and follow the link at the top of the page to sign the petition to have the boxes readily available....

8) new digi cam -- i am in the planning/looking/hoping for a new digi cam stage -- mine is taking dark pictures and some have lines and are gross...we will see what happens in the coming month or so...

have a fun weekend! toodles!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

good day today!

a day at work that wasn't too stressful, a trip to target to get some needed items and some fun stuff

my fave find was a clearanced Easter basket -- it is a metal bucket with chalkboards on each side!! it is about 8x10 and about 5 inches deep -- a really nice pink it came with chalk! woohoo!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A Child Called "It"

this is a wonderfully moving and unfortunately TRUE story. i urge each and every one of you to read this book by dave pelzer.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


tonight i had to do a presentation in class -- myself & mark (in my class) created & presented a power point on chapter 7 of our textbook "fantasy, science-fiction, utopias & dystopias" -- and i got 25/25 points! yay!!

Monday, April 09, 2007

just another manic monday...

well, another monday come & gone

i worked today and i need to now make some ATCs and finish reading a book for class tomorrow night....

so i guess that is all, but i am trying to be good & post everyday this month...we shall see!!


Sunday, April 08, 2007

HE is risen!!

The Lamb of God has risen from the dead and taken all our sins away.
I pray you have a very blessed Easter!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

busy as a bee today!

man today was busy!!

my day started with a class making really cool Easter cones with my pal, barb (who if she had a blog i could link her here)....i bought a couple other cones to alter and a few piddly things at that store...we went a few other places (hobby lobby, michaels, joanns, target, and i don't remember if there was more or not, lol) and i bought a set of ki papers & embellishments for 40% off (thanks barb!)

once i got home i started working on laundry, it has been slow going, but i have one load left to go into the dryer, so that is good...i cleaned some, moved some stuff to the basement from the kitchen, made 2 kinds of jell-o for breakfast at church and boiled a dozen eggs to make deviled eggs tomorrow...

i also finished tweaking a powerpoint for class and finished reading catcher in the ryefor tuesday as well...

i am wiped, but i still need to finish switching laundry loads and start reading another book for tuesday night!! PLUS, i need to finish some ATCs so i can take them over to For Keeps Sake before tuesday night (when they are due, but i have class)...not sure how relaxed my Easter will end up being!!

tomorrow is a potluck breakfast at church -- people are bringing egg casseroles, hashbrowns, coffee cake, juice, etc etc etc -- and then church service at 9...meghan is going and the kids choir will sing, as will the senior will be a nice service and hopefully sunny out so the windows look beautiful!!

have a blessed Easter morning!!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday

a day to remember Jesus hanging on the cross for each and every one of us...

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Maundy Thursday

Tonight at church we celebrated communion and heard the beautiful story of Jesus' Last Supper. What a glorious gift He gave us!!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Relay for Life

I have signed up to do the Rockwood Relay for Life in early June! You can support this relay for CANCER by clicking here and seeing more about the cause, event and making a donation (no matter the size) to support the cause! Right now I have a goal of $100, but I am hoping to far surpass that!!!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


this is the garden that was planted at the school i work at this past fall -- it was an awareness raiser and a fundraiser for cancer -- 2 staff members were battling cancer at the time, one unfortunatley passed since then --a few weeks back (over spring break) the daffodils were in full bloom and you can see the message of HOPE that the kids helped bring!!

Monday, April 02, 2007

weekend review!

i went to a wedding shower for my pal, stacy, on saturday! i haven't seen her in years, but she was so happy & it was wonderful to see her!! i gave her & her hubby (both military, got married while he was home in january) a margarita set the wanted, a bottle of tequila, some margarita mix, some margarita salt & a small trash can ;)
one of my cuties from power hour -- sitting under the table!!
her sister who is super smart & totally cute!!
an uber cool looking cloud from some storms on saturday night
meghan, looking cute (as usual!)

Sunday, April 01, 2007


I hope you are all having a very blessed Palm Sunday!