Saturday, November 19, 2011


beautiful weather to start the day today...clouded up and a cold front is headed our way.  it is suppose to rain tonight or tomorrow...sunday is going to be sunday school & church (meghan is singing) and then a baby shower for the pastor's daughter-in-law.  i may also start working on the giving tree :)  this year we are going to donate to the Ronald McDonald House Charity again...i have a list ready to hang with what they really want/need. :)

Today I am thankful for computer glitches, lol, but only certain ones!  I am a member of Godiva chocolate's "club" and get a free piece of chocolate each month.  I went to one of the stores earlier this month and enjoyed a free piece...went to purchase something for a friend today, and was told to pick my free piece for the month!  This was some sort of glitch that was in my favor!

1 comment:

Barb said...

Extra chocolate is always a good thing.