Tuesday, December 16, 2008


it took me an hour to get to work this morning -- the closer i got to school, the crappier the road got -- gotta love finals week when the superintendent doesn't want to cancel classes!! buses were late, some never showed, kids talked about their buses sliding all over the road...what safety! people were driving slower (like they should when the roads are bad) which was a plus, but it was a nasty weather day...and coming home wasn't too much better! the road that my school is on had not been treated in any way at all!! and the parking lot had a small sprinkling of salt, but that was it...

high was forecast at about 25 today -- i think it MAY have hit 20...and there was snow/ice/sleet all day long...

my semester of college is done! yay!

i think that is all...


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